Thursday 13 March 2014

Life goes on.

This is a cliche title. Everybody is quoting it. What we learn about life is no matter how complicated it gets, it goes on. It goes on and we ought to move on.

Because time pass.

Most of the time we don't realize that :

Wound heals.
Sadness fades.
Flower blooms.
Kitten grows.
Baby walks.
Our heart beats.

Sometimes we are too busy living our life that we forgot the little things that actually meant a lot. What make you happy? Do more of it. Laugh often. As much as you can. and as hard as you can. because there will be days when you cannot even smile.

Eat anything that you want. At anytime that you want if that makes you happy. Anything that you crave for, find it and eat it. Its okay. The calorie will find its way to get out of your body during the sad days when even eating makes you sad and you cannot eat because in between every bite you have to stop and cry and that kills your appetite.

Spend time with people that you love. That you really really like and adore. Put your ego aside. Seriously. Anytime you think of someone, approach them cause you dont know maybe that is the last time that can do that. Its either they died or you died, We dont know when is our last goodbye, so, cherish people. Dont pretend that you dont care if you actually care because maybe you are the only person that care and because you are too ego to show it that person will feel that nobody care for her or him.

No matter how handsome your exboyfriend is, forget him. Eh? oke lets just skip this. erm erm.

Put your family first. At all time. At all life phases that you will be facing. Because friends come and go. Seriously. No matter how much memories that you share with friends, life has its own way to show you that the only thing that will remain is family. No matter how much you love your best friend, you have to accept this. But as an only child that only have a mom and sometimes a dad , with no siblings, I have so much love to be given out so I love my friends like family. Lucky them. haha. Poor me. Syok sendiri.

Hug a cat! The feeling is so awesome! Hug it tight close to you chest feel it. Yes, thats your soul vibrating. Okay if u're not a cat person just skip this too. Hahaha.

Hug your mom! of course.

Have a good sleep anytime when you're sleepy. Day or night. Who cares. Nak tido. Tido je. Got class? Skip. You dont have to follow the rules all the time. Dont be so skema. Be cool. Haha.